Friday, June 4, 2010

HR Market In Russia

The Russian job market is reviving after the period of "global turbulence". The incipient trend is underway: the number of unemployed people is slowly decreasing, while the number of job opportunities is going up. The year 2010 has featured a demand for marketing and finance professionals who were among the first hit by the wave of redundancies when the crisis broke out. Experts predict that the headhunting "gold rush" will give way to the era of talent wars.

Russia will climb out of the crisis pit (based on some estimates, the world economy got trapped in it for another ten years) at the peak of a demographic problem. According to experts, by 2025 the population in Russia will have dropped by 20 million as compared to today's 140 million people. To piece out a labor shortage will require up to 35 million migrants. 

At the moment the government is discussing the draft bill that is aimed to bring some relief to migrants. If it is passed, migrants will be able to apply for a job and sign employment contracts by themselves as well as to travel around the country without restraint. 

The forecast is that the Russian labor market will show a sizeable change. The year 2012 is going to see an upward trend in wages. Due to the demographic gap, the fight for talents will take the center stage during the next decade. The technical specialist skill demand is expected to reach the peak. It is explained by the fact that the government is planning large-scale investment projects that will be implemented in construction, machine and tool engineering, electric power, gas chemistry and metallurgy sectors, covering different regions of the country. 

Besides, in the near future Russia will feature a rise in internal migration. Up-growth of the labor market in the entities of the Russian Federation is expected. Many companies are making decisions on relocation of their in-house and customer service centres to the regions of Central Russia, demonstrating one of the tangible trends on the HR market of 2010. Business benefits through cost optimization, whereas regions receive additional jobs.

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