Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Foreign Investment Regulations In Russia

Pursuant to Government Decree No. 510 of 6 July 2008, the Government Commission of Control over Foreign Investments in Russia was formed.

The primary objectives of the Commission are as follows:

1. Pre-approval of transactions resulting in a foreign investor or group of entities of which such investor is a member (hereinafter, the "group of entities") gaining control over business companies which are of strategic importance.

2. Approval of the gaining of control over business companies which are of strategic importance by the foreign investor or by a group of entities, or refusal of such approval.

Activities of the Commission:

1. Soliciting petitions for pre-approval of transactions resulting in gaining control by the foreign investor, or by a group of entities, over business companies which are of strategic importance and other transactions which require pre-approval in accordance with federal law, as well as petitions for approval of the gaining of control by the foreign investor, or by a group of entities, over business companies which are of strategic importance.

2. Decision-making with regard to the following:

Pre-approval of transactions or approval of the gaining of control

Refusal of pre-approval of transactions or refusal of approval of the gaining of control

In exceptional circumstances, extension of the period for consideration of a petition for pre-approval of a transaction or petition for approval of the gaining of control

3. Determination of obligations of the foreign investor or legal or physical bodies constituting a single entity.

For the purpose of achieving the above objectives the Commission is granted the following rights:

Request from federal governmental bodies any materials and information on any issues within its scope of its activities

In accordance with the applicable procedure, enlist the services of representatives of federal governmental bodies and any experts for the examination of issues proposed for consideration by the Commission

Hear out representatives of the federal government bodies on any issues within the scope of the Commission's activities

Organize task groups from representatives of federal governmental bodies

Supervise the execution of decisions of the Commission.

Reference: Decree of the Government of the RF No. 510 of 6 July 2008 Concerning the Government Commission of Control over Foreign Investments in Russia

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